Customs Marine Base is located on Stonecutters Island (Ngong Shuen Chau). It mainly consists of a 3-storey administrative building, an ancillary block and a berthing pier. The administrative building houses office areas, a reception area, a conference room and a recreation room. The ancillary building is used for warehousing. There are maintenance workshops, a diving equipment storeroom and a breathing apparatus refilling plant. The Customs fleet comprises sector patrol launches, harbour patrol launches, shallow water patrol launches and inflatables.
Send the application form to Staff Officer (Service Administration) with information on the location, date, time, nature of production, synopsis of the film, description of the scenes, size of the crew and use of government power supply. The applicant should also specify if any Customs appliance/ equipment/ personnel or details of any alteration to the Customs premises is required.
Processing time: 14 working days to 1 month.
$6,870 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours, $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block and a refundable deposit equal to the fees payable. Both are to be paid before filming.
If extra government personnel or equipment is required to assist in the filming, the actual cost plus overheads will be charged.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.