Opened in 2010, Tung Chung Municipal Services Building provides recreational and cultural facilities for the community. Facilities including sports centre, public library, community hall and the residential care home for the elderly are of different architectural style, connected by a central access. The ample space at the entrance and the main building exteriors in yellow colour represent a fresh look of the Tung Chung new town. The podium gardens at the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building provide an urban oasis, overlooking the Tung Chung new town.
Arena, library, students' study room, children's play room, table tennis room, podium garden, etc
Send the application form 14 working days in advance of the filming date to District Secretary, Islands District Office with information on the location, date, time, synopsis, brief description of the scenes, size of the crew, number of vehicles, requirement for parking spaces, use of government power supply and equipment required, and details of the use of any explosives and/or inflammable materials.
Processing time : 10 - 14 working days.
$6,870 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours, $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block and a refundable deposit equal to the fees payable. Both are to be paid before filming.
If extra government resources are required for the filming, the actual cost plus overheads will be charged.
Applicants shall effect a public liability insurance in the sum of $6.5 million to $30 million (depending on the risk level) in the joint names of the Government of the HKSAR and the company at their own expense, with terms and conditions to be approved by the Department.
*The public library and sports centre are under the management of Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Applications should be made to the person-in-charge of the venue concerned.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.