The 6-storey administration building of Tsing Ma Control Area is located at the North West Tsing Yi Interchange. Its concrete-paved rooftop is a vantage point to take a very close look at Tsing Ma Bridge and cars passing through Lantau Link. Leaning against the grey railing on the rooftop is the best way to capture a close shot of Tsing Ma Bridge and the bridge towers. In addition, the canteen with floor-to-ceiling windows benefits from a low angle view of the bridge although the big red window frames do not match perfectly with the beautiful scenery. The canteen is also a vantage point to see the Tsing Yi entrance of the lower deck of the bridge clearly at a very close distance.
Canteen, rooftop, car park, conference room, etc
Call Assistant Operations Manager before applying in writing 3 weeks prior to the proposed date of filming to the General Manager of the company with information on the location, date, time and description of the scenes.
$6,870 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours, $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block.
If extra Government/ TIML MOM Ltd's personnel is required to assist in the filming, additional cost will be charged.
Deposit : $20,000 - $100,000 depending on the effect on the structure or operation.
Applicants shall effect a public liability insurance of $150 million (depending on the risk level) at their own expense in the joint names of the Government of the HKSAR, the Tsing Ma Control Area Operator (currently the TIML MOM Ltd) and the company with terms and conditions to be approved by the control area operator. A copy of the policy should be provided to the Assistant Operations Manager. Applicants are advised to contact the Assistant Operations Manager for the insurance requirements.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.