Opened in May 2000, Discovery Bay Tunnel is a single tube two-way carriageway with a total length of 630 m. It is a private tunnel operated by the Discovery Bay Road Tunnel Co Ltd. The toll plaza is at Siu Ho Wan. The tunnel is restricted to resident coaches and designated services vehicles such as Government vehicles, taxies and goods vehicles (goods vehicles can only access the tunnel between 9am and 6pm only). For other types of vehicles, prior approval for entry should be sought from the tunnel operator.
Call before applying in writing to the Associate Officer with information on the location, date, time, description of the scenes and size of the crew.
Processing time : 21 days.
$7,300 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours and $2,100 for each subsequent 4-hour block
Additional staff costs (Per 8 hours)
Technician | 0700 - 1700 hours: $2,200 Other hours: $2,800 |
Traffic Control Officer | 0700 - 2300 hours: $5,500 Other hours: $11,000 |
Applicants shall effect adequate public liability insurance at their own expense to cover injury to third parties and loss of or damage to the property of the third parties.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.