The Government Dockyard is responsible for the design, procurement and maintenance of vessels owned by the government. It occupies a site of 98 hectares with a dock basin of 8.3 hectares as an operational base for vessels under the Marine Department. Several pieces of open area are found in the dockyard. There are also a few huge repairing sheds, which are rare in Hong Kong.
Send the application form to the Information and Public Relations Section with information on the location, date, time, purpose of filming, name of the film, brief description of the filming plan, size of the crew and a copy of Business Registration Certificate and Operating Licences of the vessels involved.
Processing time : at least 10 working days.
If open burning and/or potential pollution at sea is involved, the applicant should obtain permission from Environmental Protection Department (tel : 2838 3111).
$6,870 for the first 4 hours (basic charge), $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block. The charges payable plus a refundable deposit of the same amount are to be paid before filming.
If extra government personnel or equipment is required to assist in the filming, the actual cost plus overheads will be charged.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.