Tai Tan Camp site is located near Wong Shek Pier in Sai Kung. It occupies a land area of 12,000 sq m and provides a campsite that can accommodate 110 campers under canvas. There are also outdoor training and activities particularly for water sports.
Swimming pool, barbecue site, boat hut, campsites, kitchen and dormitory for about 50 campers
Send the application form at least 10 working days in advance of the filming date to Departmental Secretary with information on the location, date, time, synopsis of the film, description of the scenes, size of the crew, use of government power supply, details of the use of any explosives and/or inflammable materials, and details of any setting or alteration to the property.
$6,870 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours, $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block and a refundable deposit equal to the fees payable. Both are to be paid no less than 4 working days before filming.
If extra government personnel is required to assist in the filming, the actual cost plus overheads will be charged.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.