Currently unavailable until further notice
Cyberport DigiPlayground is the first outdoor interactive digital playground in Asia which combines the latest technologies with traditional play elements. It is composed of "iStation", "iGrid" and "iPost" offering a series of sports games, competition and learning experience to players. Its facilities are connected to internet which help players to learn, exercise, socialize, put their internet skills into practice, etc.
Spin wheel, football cages, etc
Call before submitting a duly completed booking form to the management company with information on the location, date, time, description of the scenes, size of the crew and filming equipment.
Processing time : within 2 weeks.
Deposit : $50,000 (negotiable)
Applicants shall effect a public liability insurance coverage of $20 million at their own expense for the filming. Copies of relevant documents must be sent to the management company before the filming.
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.